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Mission Partners

Our Church has entered into “in depth” relationships with several individuals and ministries.

Mission Partners


Pat and Dana will be working alongside SEE Global missions partners Pastor Randy and Margie Lawler at the Oasis International church in London, UK. Pat’s primary responsibilities will include preaching and teaching, pastoral care and leadership development. Additionally, his work will include growing new outreach, small group & discipleship ministries. Dana will be a significant help in developing women’s discipleship and working in the areas of worship and hospitality.

SEE Global: The Oasis Church London, UK Pastor Randy & Margie Lawler

Outreach & Church Planting Among Muslims

Gatovo Church, Belarus Pastors Vladimir Bukanov & Anatoly Chukhalionok

Children’s Outreach, Evangelism & Leadership / Biblical Training

Grace City Church, Frankford Pastor Stephen & Abby Bowne

Stephen currently serves as lead pastor at Grace City Church of Frankford. His focus is on planting a church in the neighborhood of Frankford where he lives with his wife Abby and their children.

New City Fellowship, Atlantic City Pastor Peter & Katie Eck

Peter serves as the lead pastor of New City Fellowship Church in Atlantic City. Along with his regular weekly responsibilities he also oversees community outreach, discovering natural avenues to build Gospel-centered relationships among adults and youth. Peter also directs New City’s Urban Ministry Teams and Internship program. Peter and Katie have three children, Hannah Grace, Caleb and Haven Elizabeth.

ASELSI, Guatemala Director: Eman & Jessica Perez

National Ministry Training, Evangelism, & Mercy Ministry

Southeast Asia Team

Church Planting & Evangelism


  1. Pray that God would open the hearts of those our missionaries are attempting to reach with the gospel.
  2. Pray that God would raise up faithful nationals that will be able to teach and train others.
  3. Pray that God would give our missionaries effective strategies and wisdom for reaching the lost.
  4. Pray that God will give our missionaries good health and keep them safe.
  5. Pray that God would enable our missionaries to learn the language and culture of their host culture.
  6. Pray that God will keep our missionaries from discouragement.
  7. Pray that God will protect our single missionaries from loneliness and sexual temptation.
  8. Pray that the marriages of our missionaries would be strong and an example to those they teach.
  9. Pray that God would help our missionaries set the proper priorities.
  10. Pray that God would provide the finances for each missionary family to remain on the field.

Adapted from AIM Daily Prayer Guide